1. Do you, in your heart, believe that you are truly called according to the will of our Lord Jesus Christ, into His
public ministry?
2.Do you believe that the Holy Scriptures the Holy Bible is The Word Of God- containing all Doctrine required to instruct
the lost how to receive eternal salvation through faith in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ?
3.Are you determined to use these same Scriptures to instruct all people with whom you come in contact for the purpose
of leading them into a saving knowledge of Christ Jesus our Lord?
4.Will you be faithful always to minister the Doctrine and Sacraments and the Discipline of Christ as commanded by our
Lord and clearly outlined in the Scriptures?
5.Will you be ready and quick with all faithful diligence to take authority against in the Name of the Lord to banish
and drive away all erroneous and strange doctrines contrary to God's Word?